Friday, July 1, 2011

Bare Necessities

"Hey, what room are you in?, I want to know if the AC is working"

"Well, err…third floor"

I have been caught off guard with little details. Not knowing what is your room number for instance. There is in us a inherent latency to live with a minimum of information in order to survive. We will know our pant size but not our collar or know our height but not our shoe size. Being perplexed while filling forms or someone asking your Constituency ward number are things of sun sets and sun rise:welcome to ordinary life

And isn't this a great trophy of human life, to survive with the least information? Why should I know my street name and full abbreviation of my college? Why should I know the name of that flower, I just want to buy it, not do a thesis! Queen comes to my mind, singing: Let me live!

Aye, but the necessities of life are not the measure of human perfection. It is not about a dog's life. Our ideal image of ourselves is always of greatness not of fighting fires and living camp-life until we are seventy. I suppose we have a tendency to live but for necessity.

A measure of a man is the measure of the finest details he ponders on. Why would Man care so much about blending colors of a table cloth, or the bucking pressure of Nadal, or the serenity of a Tenor, or the majestic beauty of a gothic cathedral? Why not just wallow around like a dog until food has been put on the plate? Because we have not been made for comfort, chico, but for greatness, bellows Benedict XI.

Then next time I get caught with an address but no envelope, a number without a code, or an important document but without a photocopy, I would like to remind myself that it is better to say mea culpa than to say "damn! There is so much negativity around"

Yes, and when are you planning to get that air freshener for it?