Sunday, November 8, 2009

St. Therese of Little Flower on Vanity

But to go back to my story.Three months after I was cured, Father took me away for a delightful holiday, and I began to see something of the world. All around me was joy and happiness. I was entertained, pampered and admired; in fact, for a whole fortnight my path was strewn with flowers. But those words of the Book of Wisdom are only too true: "The bewitching of vanity overturneth the innocent mind." (Cf. Wis. 4:12). When you are only ten, your heart is fascinated very easily, and I must admit that I found this kind of life charming. The world is able to combine so well the search for pleasure with the service of God, forgetting death, yet it has come to so many rich and happy young people I used to know. My mind goes back to their enchanting homes, and I can't help wondering what use to them now are those chateaux and estates where they enjoyed all the world could offer, and I realize that "all is vanity save loving God and serving Him alone." (Imit. I:1,3)

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