Thursday, March 4, 2010

Faith in a post modern world

Temptations come in strange often creative ways. One of the strongest temptations yet underrated and under talked about is the temptation to think nothing really counts or has meaning or is supernatural or my actions, my smile, my courage, my love was just a passing moment and does not possess eternal consequences and effects. These temptations subtly throw darts on one’s faith and deflate the enthusiasm on a dry afternoon or a sulking evening when everyone is busy doing what is done every day. Conversations aren’t exciting, people don’t have inspiring faces, everyone simply looks like they have come to fill their stomach gluttonously and get back to work in an equally reluctant fashion. Everything around seems lacking significance and just another purposeless moment. It is at these moments when you look around and you see hounds racing toward your heart, what now looks like juicy meat in order to dispel your sense of grandeur about faith, about a Lord who died for you and that it is not worth fighting for, it is not worth living, everything is but a evolutionary process and instinct. Just pass through it and have a good time. This, I believe is the intellectual decoy of The Enemy which he uses when your heart doesn’t seem to be fired up and you have not enthusiasm to go with. This is The Enemy’s world and you are playing an eternal game in his corrupting and perishing backyard. He is going to play hard, on your mind by crushing entirely or making us believe what we hold on to, Love in Creation, Justice in Condemnation and Mercy in Redemption is but a mere delusion and a romantic fairy tale. And he is going to attack your heart with all the shallowness and mediocrity around establishing that the heart cannot love for there is no such thing as love. Each one only looks after himself. There are prayers we say shut within our rooms. There are prayers we say like thoughts shooting out of our heart when we think of people, aspirations. There are prayers we say when we think deeply on a virtue or on an event. But to overcome this temptation of nothing really counts is a battle field prayer, a war cry, choosing ‘faith and meaning’ and standing your ground on enemy line. This is nothing short of an act of faith in a modern and post-modern world.

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