Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Pursuit of Knowledge

Have you observed something? The more Man pursues knowledge, the more closer he comes to understanding himself. The more he comes to understand himself, the more he understands his actions and choices. The more knowledge he searches the more meaning he finds in everything that he does. His life actually becomes all about ideas because it is these ideas that Plato talks about that fires up Man and which Man should rightly live for

And the more idealized he becomes trying to romance these ideas with his own limitations the more he realizes how sorry his state his that life is actually real and an idea cannot fit into reality the way an idea is. But his only satisfaction is to appreciate the purity of the idea and his humble opportunity to implement it imperfectly. He finds meaning in the imperfection created by a real world. Thus Realism has really given impetus and recognition to Idealism. Plato and Aristotle have reconciled in my little musings.

There is a greater demand of living life well if one has greater understanding how life should be lived well. If knowledge eradicates ignorance, then the suffering that was obscure and an ‘obstacle’ becomes known, challenging, charming and enigmatic. Suffering finds meaning in knowledge and knowledge finds pursuit in Man. Man finds purpose in Action.

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