Friday, April 11, 2008

Defence Mechanism has befriended Poetry

Mikhail and Dave went to Greece for their Holidays after school. At one of the Greek God’s Monument, Mikhail wondered and asked dave, nonchalantly, that of all the Greek gods which did he patronize (his mother was greek). Mikhail expected an answer either that he loved all [Greek] gods or that his family was close to this god or that. But what Dave said surprised him. Dave said: As such I do not pray to any Gods but if you ask me, then Time is my only God.

They went back to their hotel later. In the room, Mikhail wondered in thought…he thought: That’s showing a lot of respect for time Dave, but unfortunately Time is not going to save your soul that is if you believe you have one. People can say: I don’t believe in God. They can say like Tom very earnestly confessed(when asked on similar lines of ‘Heaven’): Having a relationship with God eludes me. they can say: I don’t know. I never really spend time thinking about God. They can say: I am indifferent to the whole thing. Instead, they choose to apply euphemisms as to show they don’t do what believers do but still are better off/at par. Like Dave did in defense. I do not wish to judge him. But Dave is what he is. If he thinks he doesn’t really think about God or doesn’t spend time loving God, he doesn’t…it’s the truth. In keeping with the truth, he could have said…I don’t really spend real, ‘quality’ time talking to God, praising him, or wondering what he thinks about me and requires of me. Because that’s what my question was: Which God do you follow or are closest to,more than others? He could have said: None. But as a defense mechanism [working in him and working in all of us too quick to take note of] which he might not have been aware of (like Lucy once told me), he replied: If you ask me time is my real God…so as to change lines of the argument from factual to philosphical and poetical. I never asked Dave how sincere he is about time or what the thinks about ‘being sincere to god shows in being sincere to Time’. Also he should be pretty aware that Time is not God as God is beyond time. Thus What he said is not really what he should have but to escape from a situation where he has to choose one paticular God from polytheistic Greek Mythology and suffer more questions on what does he do in order to bring justice to his choice? Rather he chose a more noble path to say that ‘his’ real God is Time and that ‘the’ real God would see his sincerity towards ‘his’ God because ‘the’ God would surely be pleased with Dave for God is surely pleased with anyone being true to Time.

But what I am trying to say here is the application of tools [euphemisms, poetry, trite philosophy, changing the dimensions of arguments] that people often do to escape things that they themselves aren’t honest with. Like somewhere Dave might not have sat down to ask himself what meaning and importance do God and Soul make to him in his life and how they affect the same. If he did, he would have taken necessary action by the fruit of his efforts. But because he hasn’t defined their meaning in his life, he didn’t know what to say or how to be extremely honest in a situation equally casual. And language, poetry, philosophy and euphemism came to his rescue. This is how sometimes we ( all of us…you and I do not undergo any less manifestations of ‘defense mechanism’) make them[philosophy] vague when they aren’t. Because we apply them to save us rather than understand them to apply them. And we do the same to Truth. Truth has no exceptions but we bring Truth into the labrynths of our lives…and due to the shortcoming of one single important ‘choice’ we make it all the more hard to see clearly or judge if we are right and wrong. We then go on to cloth truth with exceptions because of how we have eventually applied it. and then we conclude: there is no real truth..everything has exceptions.

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