Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why we pray

Unless you make prayer a must-have it will never come to be. You will never pray. I must have food. I must drink. I must rest. While we never skip these requirements, prayer can be conveniently skipped. Until we don't add prayer from the 'can do' to the 'must do', you will never really sit down to pray. Unless you withdraw from the television, from your ‘resting’ and ‘eating’ and ‘talking’ and ‘reading’, ‘writing’, ‘cleaning’, ‘cooking’, ‘studying’, ‘thinking’, ‘eating’ and ‘playing’, prayer will never find a reality.

Why should you pray today?

1. I have talked to many friends but I haven't talked to Jesus

2. How can I go about the day without strength that comes from Prayer?

3. What do I have to tell Jesus about my day today?

4. If I don't speak to God in prayer, all else has been but a natural day. But my end is supernatural and out of this world. If I don't pray today I have been an element merely of this world. But by speaking to God about entering into my life and its daily activities, I am a son of God.

5. How do I know what the Holy Spirit requires of me today, if I don't pray?

6. I pray so that Jesus doesn't have to say sadly, "I don't know you" or so I wouldn’t have to confess even more sadly and shamefacedly "I don't know Him or His power and love in my life"

7. Sometimes, he is the best friend I have got, the best counselor, the best guide and the best comforter. What I don't realize is he can be this all the time if I pray everyday

8. How do I take a decision without talking to Our Lord in prayer? I have only used my own limited mind not the power of the saints and angels in heaven who intercede if I am ready to pray and surrender my problem at the table of God

9. If I don't pray, how can I ever be certain if what I am doing is God's will or my own? If it happens to be God's will, very well but can I be certain until I pray and the Holy Spirit testifies in my heart? But if it is my own [will] by the folly of not praying to receive inspirations, then I am in big trouble.

10. If I don't pray, God can become a cosmic force, the cool breeze, the ‘lucky charm’, a headmaster, a judge, a feeling, an author, a leader, everything but a friend. Without prayer, God cannot be a shepherd for a sheep, my friend and my brother.


Stanley Ekwugha said...

My dear Rickson, this is really wonderful and enriching. Presently I am making a reflection on prayer. Permit me to include this your write up in my publication (if at all it will see the light of the day). But meanwhile, look at the beginning of the reflection and comment on it. You can even publish it as a blog.


We are finite beings journeying in a world of uncertainties. In this world, mysteries abound because our mind cannot exhaustively comprehend earthly realities. More enigmatic are the occurrences at the transempirical realm. Because of this, man at some points, professes ignorance, admits weakness, acknowledges his limitations, lies flat on the ground and resigns to fate. This is a reality that faces every man on earth. In a state of stupor, man has one source of happiness – to reconcile with realities as long as he could not change them. This entails that some realities ought to be changed while others are to be accepted in good fate. It is a gateway to the fact that there is a being above us. The right attitude then is to work and pray. While we work, we have to realize that our work belongs to God. That we are working is an honour bestowed on us by God and should therefore not be abused. It is a divine invitation to partake in God’s governance of the cosmos. It is an opportunity to join God in renewing the face of the earth and in solving problems that are discomforting mankind. Our problem comes in when we want to solve every problem on our own. We only succeed in fighting more and praying less.

Inasmuch as we take this course of action, we may not succeed. God shows us that the drama of the Tower of Babel is still replayed daily – in man’s ingenuity is found foolishness and out of order disorder appears. When we rely so much on our own efforts to the point of relegating God to the background, then danger lies ahead. We have the tendency to break down because our success will never be commensurate to our efforts. Due to the physical and mental exertion, we are depressed and could scarcely move ahead. Other negative feelings follow suit; low self esteem, obsession with the negative aspects of life, and war with God.

As long as we are in this state, we will hardly recognize the face of God shining upon us. We feel worthless, rejected, unaccepted and unloved. It is a vicious cycle too difficult to break. Nobody can bring us out of this miasma. We can only help ourselves by having a mental reconstruction, a better vision of reality and accepting what providence has in stock for us. At this time, we have to get up and start praying for human effort must always go with divine assistance.

Anonymous said...

11. Jesus prayed every day.

Chris said...

Very interesting! Thanks