Saturday, March 29, 2008

Christianity and Salvation and 'Others'

Yesterday, after the meditation, I was talking to Kevin. While discussing about who is a moral theologian, our conversations navigated itself to salvation. I was aghast when he told me that even a morally upright person who didn't know anything about christ is still a candidate for salvation. He was of the opinion that they can't be locked out just because they never encountered christ in their lives. It was not even his opinion but sound and clarified evidence in the compendium and catholic theology. I found my ego hurt a little not because I wanted to bask in glory of being a chosen one or already belonging to the fold but because I thought an encounter with Christ and Baptism were serious and once-in-a-lifetime encounters none compared to any other alternatives that suffice to subtend a berth in heaven. Kevin made me 'understand' otherwise. Truly there is a lot to learn...

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