Friday, March 28, 2008

Insincerity causing me pain

Of late I have begun to understand how sincerity is a path to holiness. After a lot of coaxing from the meditations of talks of and by the opus dei, I have only now imbibed in my mind, how god may be looking down if I am being sincere, more so If I am being sincere for him. Either I be sincere because it is god’s day and I have to do everything well. Or be sincere because as something may not demand sincerity like folding a bed sheet. I may fold it quickly or clumsily. But soon realizing that I can cast the clumsiness and offer the ‘folding’ to God, I then proceed in sincerity my attitude to several ‘bed sheet-moments’ of the day. Sincerity and sincerity especially of this kind is aiding me in being a better person everyday. Allowing God to enter my life and providing new meaning to life’s ordinary activities.

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