Sunday, March 30, 2008

Rising higher than Oneself

Today Morning, I went for what would be my last Catechism class for the year to Our Lady's Home for boys. Rohan came along on Javier's insistence. I remembered something Fr. Ruhi had told us during the year. He said: How many boys would prefer doing some service to the church or something extraneous in their life for others, 8 in the morning, over sleeping until late morning. I shared that with Rohan and told him: How does it feel coming here 8 in the morning instead of choosing to sleep it off? There is so much more we can do and even the already much better than how we are doing it..but somehow we choose to either laze around or remain with the status quo.
One of my friend had come down a few days back from Delhi to Bombay to take a break from work. She was in Bombay since Tuesday. I could have met her on any day since Tuesday. On Sunday she called me and when I got back to her, I learned she was leaving next morning. I thought to myself: If I have to speak to her at least once before she leaves, that would be enough. If I don't manage to speak to her that wouldn't be good. And then I thought...Why couldn't I rise higher than what I am? I can be better than this...each time and every time better than what I am being...even right now. there is a snack parlor just below her window. I could have asked her for 20 minutes of her time and she would have obliged. I could spend talking to her in person seeing her after so long. But I chose to 'get it done' on the phone and call it 'dealt with'. Beware...Rickson! Its is one thing to 'get it done' and another to sanctify it and dignify it.
We all, during the hours of the day fall prey to do lets 'get it done' or 'dealt with' and go further to call them achievements. They might be achievements in our eyes like how we decide our own rules of how things should be done or how we should conduct ourselves and go on to say that It is my personality to do it like this or I do it so as I can't do it like others do it as I am unique.
An evening still awaits me. It awaits me to make the choice still in the offing. To meet her at the parlor and surprise her. She probably also thought it was always about lets 'get it done'. It was time not so much to change...that would be revolution. It was time just to rise higher for oneself like struggle everyday a revolt within oneself actually and for others who wish to be inspired...give them Hope

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